Review: "Strongheart: The Lost Journals of May Dodd and Molly Mcgill" by Jim Fergus
The next book in the Jim Fergus’ series will soon be available. If you enjoyed 1000 White Woman and The Vengeance of Mothers you will want to pick it up. It continues the saga of the women who volunteered for the Brides for Indians program. You are introduced to new characters, say goodbye to some old friends and continue the storyline of some favorites.
This story is told in the first person in each different time period. You become part of the breathtaking action and heartbreaking emotions of the characters within the book. The rollercoaster ride gives you no option but to keep turning pages!!
I recommend this book to Jim Fergus’ fans. It can be read as a standalone novel but reading them all is recommended. It will give a different prospective on native American life and their treatment during this time period. It can be read and enjoyed by teen to adult readers.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.