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Review: "Egypt’s Sister (The Silent Years #1)" by Angela Hunt

Angela Hunt continues to write wonderful historical novels that take you back into Biblical times. This story is a deviation from her normal tomes where she writes about a woman in the Bible. In this story, her character is fictional and her time is the 400 silent years from the last prophet in the Old Testament to the writing of the new. This time, her main character, Chava, is fictional and a friend of Cleopatra. She fills the pages with an enthralling story of two young girls growing up in this ancient era, one is Jewish, devoted to her God and the other worships many gods and becomes queen of Egypt.

The author brings this tale to life by having Chava tell her life’s journey in the first person. You experience her despair as her life of privilege comes to a shocking end and her family is ripped apart. You are also witness to her strong faith in God and how it assists her in times of misery and hopelessness. You get a taste for the lifestyle of both the rich and poor in early Egypt. All these factors combine to give the story depth and character and inspire the reader to keep reading.

This story can be read and enjoyed by early teen readers to adults. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys reading stories that involve characters from the Bible. Although this book doesn’t pertain to a particular person, it does pertain to the era and helps you to understand the challenges that were faced by everyday people, both Jewish and non-Jewish.

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