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Review: "I Love You Today" by Marcia Gloster

The story is one that resonates between man and woman time after time and I couldn’t put it down. Although it takes place in the late 60’s to early 70’s, it could have happened today and most women have been exposed to the double standard if not the complete saga. Against Maddie’s better judgment, she is attracted to a married man. The heart wants what the heart wants and she falls in love with him and starts a torrid affair. Thus, starts five years of a roller coaster of emotions and situations that leads her back to the beginning, where she started, a little older but much wiser.

I thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Gloster’s writing style. She starts in the present, then takes you back five years and brings you forward, though all the trials and tribulations that the characters endure. The situations are realistic and timeless, happening to everyone. Most people can relate to the story on some level. She tosses in unique situations that keep the story interesting and riveting, compelling you to keep turning pages.

I recommend this for mature readers. Although the language used is not extremely graphic, the situations are unquestionably adult and may not be understood by younger readers. This is undeniably a great weekend read, to be enjoyed with your favorite beverage and comfortable chair. You will not only enjoy the story but the look back at the fashions and times of this period.

I received this book for review from The Story Plant.

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