Review: "The Judas Game" by Ethan Cross
Although I very much enjoyed Blind Justice, the first book of Ethan Cross’ that I read and highly recommend, he outdoes himself with this novel! From the first page to last, the plot jumps off the page and moves at breakneck speed. Foxbury Correctional Treatment Facility is a prison of the future. It is run by a very high tech program that controls everything and everyone from the main control room. The prisoners are treated as if they are in a community, albeit closed, where they are given jobs and rehabilitated and prepared to move back into the outside world. They are controlled by electronic bracelets that monitor everything about their person and deliver shocks to bring them under control. All goes well until a prison guard, for no apparent reason, climbs atop a tower and guns down three high level gang members. The Shepard Organization (a law enforcement organization that flies under the radar) is brought in to figure out the how and why of what happened. This is a prison break of major proportions and some very evil people, on both sides, are involved in this catastrophe.
The storyline of this book is multifaceted. The main plot involves the prison break, but there are a plethora of subplots that feed into the main one and make the novel unstoppable! Each character, from the good guys to the bad has a gripping story to tell. They are all complex and well developed. The author also injects humor to break the unbearable tension. All combined, you won’t be able to put this book down.
If you enjoy “edge of your seat” thrillers, this is definitely the book for you. There is intrigue and mystery and the ending is a surprise as are the identities of some of the characters. This story can be enjoyed by teenage to adult readers and anyone who loves a good thriller.
I requested and received this book for review from NetGalley.