Review: "Princes of War" by Claude Schmid
This is the fictional but very realistic story of our troops in the current conflict. It follows 1ST Lieutenant Christopher Winn and his platoon, the Wolfhounds, through a typical week in the troubled country of Iraq. It follows their days from what should be a seemingly mundane job of taking census of the citizens to the raiding of a brick factory in search of insurgents and snipers that is fraught with danger. It gives you a glimpse into the constant tension everyone is under and how some men hold it together and how some are on the very edge.
Because of the author’s background, he is very familiar with the subject and does a fantastic job of describing what life actually entails living in a dangerous war zone. The strain felt by all the men doing routine tasks is palatable. You also get a foretaste of the comradery felt by everyone and how they watch each other’s back. By following one week chronologically, it allows you to understand their everyday life.
This was a great, eye opening book and I recommend it for teens to adults. Although Iraqi is not technically a war, our young men and women are asked to perform in unbelievable tense situations. They are under tremendous stains that require enormous fortitude. At the very least, they give up safety and security and some are required to give the ultimate sacrifice. I think the very least we can do is get a preview into their lives and this book does this admirably.
I requested and received this book for review from NetGalley.