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Review: "The Versions of Us" by Laura Barnett

At least once in our lives, we have all wondered what might have been if one small detail in your life was changed. That is the premise of this well written novel. It explores three scenarios of the lives of Eva and Jim. In the first, they meet, fall in love and marry. The second, they meet and although attracted to each other, Eva is in love with someone else, whom she marries. Jim and she do not reconnect until later in life. In the third, both Eva and Jim marry someone else but find their way to each other in their middle age.

This is a brilliantly written story. The author follows each segment of the three versions chronologically through the characters’ lives. Each version corresponds to the same time frame and the events that would be the same regardless, like birthdays and deaths. The rest of the versions take on a life of their own allowing you to glimpse just how much could be altered. In each version, the characters are fully developed and engaging. This is not light reading material and you need to pay attention to which version of the players’ lives you are in or you will be lost.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. You need to stay focused to keep each version straight but all are fast moving and page turning. Although there is little to preclude a younger person from reading this, I recommend for a more mature audience because of the intricate plot.

I requested and received this book for review from Net Galley.

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