Review: "The Prophetess: Deborah’s Story (Daughters of the Promised Land, #2)" by Jill E
Once again Jill Eileen Smith has brought a beloved story from the Bible to life. As the title of the book implies, this is the story of the Prophetess, Deborah. It details how she led the battle along with Barak and the Israelites against King Jabin of Hazor with Sisera, an incredibly cruel warrior who brutally slaughtered and enslaved many.
The author has done an outstanding job making this story a page turning novel. She also followed the information that is in the Bible carefully. Although little is known about most of the characters, she has researched this ancient time and place and woven a believable tale. She has added characters that are not mentioned in the Bible to make the story more credible. All her characters are fully developed and realistic.
I have fully enjoyed all of Ms. Smith’s novels and this is no exception. Her stories bring the people to life and do exactly what she has wishes which is to pick up the Bible to read and compare. This story can be read and thoroughly enjoyed by all ages.
I requested and received this book for review from NetGalley.