Review: "Collision Course: The Classic Story of the Collision of the Andrea Doria and the Stoc
As the title says, this is the original story of the collision of the Andrea Doria and the Stockholm with some additional updates. It is factual to the best of the author’s ability and all conversations and observations have been noted by passengers that were there. The additional added story is what has become of the Andrea Doria since her sinking, the attempts to recover her and also the dive attempts to salvage the riches and gems that were rumored to have gone down with the ship.
The author follows the chronological order of the last night of both vessels. Both the crews’ activities in each ship’s bridges are followed during the fateful watch in which they collided. Mr. Moscow does a wonderful job describing the laid back attitude that both crews were exhibiting and the pure panic when they realized they would ram each other. You also get a look into the passengers‘ last evening, some not even aware there was a collision. As in any catastrophe, you learn of the passengers and crew who cheated death and also the ones who lost their lives. The new addition adds additional interesting information as it outlines what has happened to the Andrea Doria as she has lain dormant at the bottom of the sea.
I enjoy reading about historical events and all the proceedings leading up to them and this story does not disappoint. It is rich in detail and facts and if you too enjoy this genre, you will enjoy this very much.
I received this book from NetGalley for this review.