Review: "Glory Over Everything" by Kathleen Grissom
This is a fascinating Civil War novel by Kathleen Grissom. It is actually the second in the series, the first being The Kitchen House: A Novel. I have not read the first but Glory Over Everything stands alone as a great story with enough background information so that it is easily followed and enjoyed. This is the story of James Burton who has come to Philadelphia with a sinister secret. He was raised in the South as a gentleman by his grandmother, only to find out that the cruel man he thought was his brother is actually his father and he was conceived in a brutal rape of a house slave. Although his heritage is not readily discernible, he lives in fear that his secret will be discovered and he will be sent South to live as a slave. Then the unthinkable happens, his married lover discovers she is with child and he is torn between telling her the truth and losing her love or leaving her behind. Also, a young house servant that he befriended has been kidnapped and sold into slavery. He must decide, does he save himself or help people who cannot help themselves.
I thoroughly enjoyed this author’s writing style. Each chapter is told in chronological order, usually by a different character. This enables the story to be well rounded and also allows to you see and understand what all are feeling and thinking. All the different perspectives are intertwined to give the story substance and to help you understand the reactions of each. This all combines to make the story page turning.
I thoroughly savored this book and recommend it. It is fast moving and engrossing and you won’t want to put it down until you turn the last page. Because I enjoyed this so much, I ordered the first in the series, also, and I’m sure I will enjoy it too. Although I don’t know this for a fact, the story is ended in such a way that the door is open for another novel. If so, I don’t want to miss it!!
