Review: "Storm Clouds Rolling In (Bregdan Chronicles #1)" by Ginny Dye
This is the first in Ginny Dye’s Bregdan Chronicles and the series is off to a great start. This covers the time period of 1860-1861. We meet the heroine, Carrie Cromwell and learn of her privileged life on the Cromwell Plantation in Virginia. We also are introduced to Rose, Moses and a host of others who are slaves that serve her family. Her life with her parents and wealthy friends is showcased and she meets the love of her life. But as the title says, storm clouds are rolling in for not only the country but also her, as she questions her lifestyle and the treatment of slaves. As with the country, rifts between friends and loved ones are starting to appear.
This was a very stirring book and a wonderful start to this series. Although Carrie’s life is one of comfort, she does not appear spoiled. She is a young woman ahead of her time who wants to be more than just a plantation mistress. The hardships of a woman who thinks outside the box are shown. Also, this is a very troubling time in the country and sides are being drawn. Although this is historical fiction, it is packed with facts of how the country, Virginia in particular was handling the disturbing trends that are sweeping the South.
If you are looking for a good fictional series involving the Civil War, this one is off to a great start! I’ve already purchased the next in the series and can’t wait to get continue the saga and see where it leads!!