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Review: "I'm Not Her" by Cara Sue Achterberg

This a different, darker twist on the story resembling the Walt Disney movie, Freaky Friday. This time though, it isn’t a mother/daughter switch. Carin is a 23 year old college graduate who works at an insurance company. She has her own swank apartment and life. She eats healthy, goes to the gym every day and has designer clothes. Leann is an extremely obese cashier at the local grocery store where Carin shops. She feels superior to Leann when she has dealings with her wondering how someone can let themselves become that obese. Then, a freak accident occurs and Carin finds out!

This is a painstaking commentary on human nature to judge other people mercilessly without adequate knowledge of their true plight. The author does a brilliant job of illustrating this point with these two young women’s lives. I found myself drawn into the story and realizing that no one has it all. The characters are well defined and I was routing for the unexpected heroine.

By all means, pick up this book. The plot keeps you turning pages, you won’t be able to put it down. It will also make you take a good look at yourself and the way you think and treat others. This would be a great book for a book club because there are a lot of areas to discuss.

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