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Review: "The Boy Who Granted Dreams by Luca Di Fulvio

This is the saga of Christmas Luminita and his remarkable, sometimes tumultuous life and the girl who touched him at a tender age and could not be forgotten. Christmas was born in Italy, a child of rape, to Concetta Luminita a 15 year old child herself. Times were tough in 1909 but she knew her life would be as a laborer in the fields and she wanted more for herself and her child. She emigrated to the United States, where because she has no benefactor, she ends up working as a prostitute. She makes the best out of life and Christmas grows up a very loved but poor child with a knack to weave magical stories about life on the street. In 1922, Christmas finds a badly beaten, injured girl on the street. From the first moment they touch, they know they are meant to be together. She is a rich girl from the better part of New York City and he is a poor boy from the wrong side of the tracks but this begins their story of searching for love lost against the odds.

I loved how the author fully developed each of the characters and all the storylines. Seeing them through Mr. Di Fulvio’s eyes, I felt I knew them all and felt their pain, heartache and fears. He tied up all loose ends by the completion of the story, you were left to wonder about nothing. My only complaint was the story got a tad long. For the most part, it was page turning but I did find times where it was tedious.

If you love family sagas, definitely pick up this book. Christmas Luminita’s life is filled with interesting and amazing characters that will keep you reading to find out what happens to each.


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