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Review: "A Small Indiscretion" by Jan Ellison

I’m not sure what made me select this book to read, something about the cover picture and title caught my eye; after all, haven’t most people committed some manner of small indiscretion at one time or another? I’m very thankful that I chose this book. The story hits the ground running from the very first page and doesn’t quit till the end.

This fictional story details Annie Black’s history from a young girl of twenty to her middle 40’s. Her family is in crisis. Her son had been critically injured in an automobile accident and has now disappeared. Her once perfect marriage is in shambles because of a one-time dalliance the previous summer. She decides to sit down and write her history to try and explain her actions if he ever returns. In the process, she must face her past transgressions. She finds that long ago small indiscretions can have devastating consequences in the present.

This is Jan Ellison’s first book and it is amazing. She brings her story to life. You feel the characters’ pain and are compelled to keep reading to discover how they resolve their issues. She goes between the main character’s past and present to tell the far-reaching effects of seemingly inconsequential acts of the past. I greatly recommend this book for reading by yourself or as a book club selection. Not only is it a marvelous story, it will make you think about how one small act in your past, may have completely changed your future.

I have requested and reviewed this book for NetGallery.


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