Review: "Shepherds Abiding (Mitford Years, #8) by Jan Karon
This was the 8th in the Mitford Years series and is the first book I have read by Jan Karon. It was a very fast, enjoyable read. I do not usually read series but this was the November pick for our book club.
This follows the town’s residents through the Advent season as they prepare for Christmas. All are caught up in their own arrangements and hoping for some Christmas magic. Also on Christmas Eve, they are preparing to say good bye to the local diner and it’s owners that have been a huge part of everyone’s lives for countless years. As it does for most, the closer Christmas nears, the more frantic the preparations and fears that their miracles will not come true.
I have not read any others in this series. The characters could have been fleshed out more but I still could get the basic background for each and follow the story. This was a very low key story. Although not totally predictable, it wasn’t hard to figure out what was going to happen. I’m sure if I had read others in the series, this would have had more meaning.
I recommend this for a comfortable, low key read before Christmas. Cuddle up after a long stressful day and relax with the residents of Mitford.