Review: "Constantinopolis" by James D. Shipman
I wasn’t sure I would like to write a blog but quite frankly, I have really started to enjoy it. Because of it, I have been able to meet amazing authors in my quest for books to read. Also, I have been given some books that I would never have picked up on my own because I have no interest in that area of history. Constantinopolis is just one example. I had contacted Mr. Shipman because I was interested in his new book coming out, Going Home. I actually thought it was out already and wanted to know where to purchase it. It isn’t but he suggested I read Constantinopolis and I am so glad he did!!!
This is a fictional story of the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks led by Sultan Mehmet in 1453. At the time that it fell, the Greek city of Constantinople was led by Constantine. It was a lone Christian city in the midst of the Muslim nation and it had denied capture by the Turks since 1261. By the time it fell, it was only a shell of its former self but Mehmet had no easy job. Countless times, his ancestors, including his father, had tried to capture Constantinople and failed. He was young and his head counselors had advised against it. He laid siege to the city and had countless sea and land battles but could not break through the walls of the great metropolitan. His counselors advised against further attacks and he was given one more try. He knew if he didn’t succeed, it could mean his life.
The author did a wonderful job of presenting both sides of this story. You could feel Mehmet’s hatred for his head advisor as he constantly advised against him and his frustration because the city would not fall. Constantine’s desperation to save his city was apparent. He would go against what he truly believed in until he realized that win or lose, he had to be true to himself and the Greek citizens.
Even if this isn’t a subject you would normally read, please do, you won't regret it! The battle for the city is told in enough detail that you know what is going on but you don’t get bogged down in endless details. The action is fast paced and you won’t want to put it down. The characters are brought to life and the author did a wonderful job presenting a difficult story, bringing out the humanness on both sides.